
How to Make Roasted Chicken Wings (Easy and Fast)

Roast chicken is my favorite dish. For me, it evokes childhood memories of walking the dogs with my family on Sunday mornings, on the way home we could smell wonderful roast chicken dinners drifting out of open windows.
It's a very simple dish, but its simplicity is also its strength. In my opinion, nothing smells or tastes as good, like a perfectly cooked roast chicken.
So where do you start? First of all, you need to select your chicken. There is a lot of variety out there, from modestly priced value chickens to more expensive organic free range. Really though, I think you should base your choice on what suits your budget. Organic chickens do taste better, the chicken has been allowed to walk about outside, which allows them to build muscle naturally, non organic chickens don't have that luxury, so the texture of the meat can differ to that of organic chickens. But if you have a family to feed or you're watching your pennies, then the cheaper options will still make a delicious roast.
Roasted Chicken Wings Easy

Cooking time: 10 minutes
Prep time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2


½ tsp cumin
8.8oz chicken wings
1 tsp ginger powder
1.69fl oz sweet chili sauce
1 garlic clove


1. Switch Air Fryer on and preheat it up to 340oF.
2. Make a mix of spices  combine garlic, pepper, salt, ginger powder, and cumin.
3. Cover chicken wings with herbs and spray with oil.
4. Place chicken wings in the Air Fryer for 10 minutes.
5. Put chili sauce into the special cup and serve with the chicken wings.
(Nutrition: Calories 160 | Total Fat 8g | Net Carbs 3g | Protein 19g)

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