
Chinese Noodles: Delicious Squid With Chinese Noodles Recipe!

Squid is probably second only to fish when it comes to the popularity of seafood. Squids are cephalopod mollusks and are packed with minerals and calcium that aids in building bones and teeth just like shrimps and fish. They shoot black ink when they are evading predators and have tentacles and a bird-like beak. Finding good quality squid is quite easy. Good squid smells like the sea and is never strong nor smells fishy and the membrane covering it is not pink or purple but gray.
Noodles too are packed with lots of healthy stuff that our bodies need. It is also known that noodles are low in calories. Noodles have been around with us for many years and have been loved by many people from different walks of life all over the globe. It is a staple food for many countries for hundreds of years. It is said that noodles originated from China several thousands of years ago and spread all throughout the world.
Many people love eating squid and so is eating noodles. It is very easy to combine both and prepare a delicious healthy dish. If you love eating squid and noodles, I suggest that you try this nutritious and delicious recipe. The ingredients are easy to get and are quite common. The preparation is not that difficult to do and doesn't require a lot of time.

Chinese Noodles

Squid With Chinese Noodles Recipe (for four)
- Twelve squids
- Four garlic cloves
- Flour
- 100 grams of Chinese noodles
- Six springs of chives
- Some olive oil
- Modena vinegar
- Parsley
- Salt

- Cut and clean the squid. Cut the fins and tentacles and stuff them inside the squid.
- Roll the squids through flour, and add salt. Pour cooking oil into the frying pan, add garlic cloves and squids and fry.
- Cut the noodles into eight centimeters strips and separate them in four piles. Bond each pile with a chive sprig then fry them in a frying pan with plenty of oil.
- Arrange the squids around the plate with the noodles positioned at the center. Pour a little amount of cooking oil into a bowl, add two tablespoons of Modena vinegar, and seasoned the squids.
- Decorate with parsley
- If you do not have chives to bind the noodles, you can use the green part of the leek sliced into thin strips.
Serve hot and enjoy.

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