
Making Sole In The Oven With Thyme


Serves 4 people
(from the cooking book LA CUCINA D’ABRUZZO - de warmte van het lande-de stijl van de stad - TERRALANNOO, pag. 170 –  In the same book there is another recipe of mine, pag. 30)

  • 500 gr sole
  • 400 ml of vegetable soup
  • 50 gr flour
  • 4 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves
  • salt
Making Sole In The Oven With Thyme


Preheat the oven 180°C. 
Spread the fish filet with the flour and the salt.
In an oven, tray put 2 spoons of oil and lay down the fish filet.
Pour the soup until all the fish filet is covered, spread the thyme on the top, and cook for 15-20 min. When the filet is white and has a compact consistency is ready. 
Spread the rest of the oil, and serve it warm, decorated with fresh leaves of Thyme and rosemary, with grilled vegetables. 

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